Our Book Program!


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Your Personalized Book Creation Solution

We offer a solution for anyone who wants to create a book that is tailor-made for their needs, but needs a little help getting started. With our expertise, resources, and personalized approach, we can help you create a book as special as you imagined it would be.

Are you suitable for our program?

Step #1 - Are we well-suited for each other? 

We would like to schedule a call to assess whether we are a suitable fit for this program. Schedule here.

Step 2 -

We will collaborate to define our target audience, determine the content and style of the book, and decide on the elements that should be included. Your input is crucial as we work together to shape the book according to your vision.

Step #3 - Writing 

Development of a captivating book that highlights your choosen topic, with a minimum of 100 A4 pages, delving into your choosen topic.

Step #4 - Publishing and Markething

We will publish it and implement the necessary attention tracking for this book using five different marketing approaches.

Our Blueprintes



The book creation program costs $10,000, but don't be shocked:Firstly, we guarantee a minimum of 1,000 pieces sold, which means you will likely recoup your $10,000 investment.
If not, we offer a stress-free refund (Payment is possible after the guarantee has been fulfilled).What does $10,000 get you?·

A fictional book of at least 100 A4 pages on one of the following topics: Business, Happiness, Psychology, AI, Negotiating, Selling, Productivity, Mindset, Success, or any other topic.·

A minimum of 1,000 pieces sold, which means you will likely recoup your $10,000 investment.·

A minimum of $5,000 back if we didn't make you at least $5,000 = no cost.· Book cover design.·

Content creation until the minimum of 1,000 pieces sold. We post daily content on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tiktok.·

Book promotion.·

Book layout design.·

A book club program to encourage readers to discuss and review the book with others.·

A referral program to incentivize readers to recommend the book to others.· Editing and proofreading services to ensure the highest quality of the book.·

Marketing strategies to reach a larger audience and increase sales.·

A detailed sales report every month to keep track of the progress and adjust strategies accordingly.·

An email list building campaign to build a loyal readership and keep them updated on new releases and promotions.·

A book launch event to create buzz and excitement around the book.·

Collaborations with other influencers or authors in the same niche to reach a wider audience.·

A comprehensive advertising campaign to reach potential readers through different channels.·

A dedicated website for the book to showcase the book's content, reviews, and purchase options.·

A book trailer or promotional video to capture the attention of potential readers.

More Information

If this proposal interests you, please explore further details on our website or make an (zoom) appointment here.

Apply for our program

Enjoy the best offered by us

100.000 Followers is a requirement

Project duration

One to two months prior to the book's publication and creation. Following the release, our marketing efforts will continue until we achieve the targeted results for X.

Perfected Prose

We meticulously review and rewrite the book a total of 5 times to ensure a flawless, socially impactful publication.

Functional fit

Feel free to provide us with precise details about your book's content, and we'll transform it into a compelling best-selling content book


We provide you with the essential blueprints to orchestrate your own successful book launch.











Our History

One of the world's top universities, Universalis was founded on the ideal of interactive learning.

Our Faculties

We offer more than 40 undergraduate courses at Universalis for a wide range of subjects.

Our Faculties

We offer more than 40 undergraduae courses at Universalis for a wide range of subjects.