About Us



We continue to 
pioneer next-generation products and services

Research and innovation are at the core of our mission, and our dedication to science has established the brand as a leader in the advanced skincare arena. 

The company’s founding was the direct result of a revolutionary discovery that set the standard for antioxidant formulation. We continue to pioneer next-generation products that will optimize the health and beauty of the skin—and change the face of skincare for years to come.

Mathijs Verbakel/ CEO

Need Capital?

We actively invest in diverse projects, channeling resources and expertise to fuel innovation for your company.  By carefully selecting ventures aligned with our vision, we aim to contribute to growth, and positive change to your company. 


Let's join forces if we see fit to achieve the desired results by leveraging our combined knowledge and resources. Together, we can create a powerful synergy that not only enhances our capabilities but also propels us towards our common goals. By pooling our expertise and assets, we unlock new opportunities and efficiencies, ensuring a collaborative journey toward more success for us and for YOU. 




Ungoing Investments


Business Professionals

An advanced Theory backed by succesful entrepreneurs.

Mission & Vission

Our mission is to enhance knowledge-sharing among entrepreneurs. Devoted to this goal, we make a simple commitment — to provide advanced insights and expertise backed by research and experience.


Inspired by years of business research that led to pivotal breakthroughs in entrepreneurial strategies, our content is concentrated with practical knowledge proven to effectively empower business leaders. Born from the dedication to sharing valuable insights, our platform offers a fusion of wisdom and practicality, ensuring a reliable resource for entrepreneurs dedicated to knowledge exchange.

Our Impact

Empowering Entrepreneurs:

  • We equip entrepreneurs with practical knowledge and strategic insights, fostering sustainable success in the dynamic business landscape.

Community Engagement:

  • Actively involved in local communities, we address unique needs, promote sustainable development, and build a sense of shared purpose.

Environmental Stewardship:

  • Committed to responsible practices, we minimize our ecological footprint, championing sustainability across our operations and inspiring others to follow suit.

Global Inspiration:

  • While rooted locally, our vision extends globally. We strive to be a catalyst for positive change on an international scale, promoting cross-cultural collaboration and sharing impactful knowledge.




'''Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want.'''

Mathijs Verbakel / CEO

About us

Meet Mathijs Verbakel, a successful entrepreneur and author with a knack for investments. Also known as Thijs Verbakel, he is not only a business maven but also the mind behind the thriving company, ISOFONE. His written works, including "Entrepreneurs are the People Who Change the World," "The AI Evolution," and "The Psychology of Human Behavior," reflect his diverse expertise and deep understanding of various subjects.


As an entrepreneur, Verbakel has proven his mettle in the business world, steering ISOFONE to success under his adept leadership. The company, under his management, has become a symbol of innovation and excellence, carving a niche for itself in the competitive market.


Verbakel's insights into entrepreneurship are not limited to the boardroom. His written works provide a glimpse into the visionary mind that has contributed significantly to the business landscape. "Entrepreneurs are the People Who Change the World" is a testament to his belief in the transformative power of entrepreneurship. In this work, he explores the stories of individuals who, through their entrepreneurial endeavors, have left an indelible mark on the world.

"The AI Evolution" delves into the rapidly changing landscape of artificial intelligence, a field in which Verbakel has undoubtedly left his mark. This book reflects his deep understanding of the evolving role of AI in various industries and its impact on the future.


In "The Psychology of Human Behavior," Verbakel explores the intricacies of human behavior, offering valuable insights for entrepreneurs seeking to understand and connect with their target audience. This work showcases his interdisciplinary approach to business, incorporating psychological principles into the realm of entrepreneurship.


Thijs Verbakel's journey as an entrepreneur, investor, and author exemplifies a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation. His ability to navigate the complex world of business while contributing meaningful insights through his writing makes him a noteworthy figure in both entrepreneurial and literary circles. As he continues to lead ISOFONE to new heights and share his wisdom through his written works, Mathijs Verbakel remains a dynamic force in the realms of business and literature.

Our new upcomming service

Book Creation Program

Need help writing an bestselling book? 

We offer a solution for anyone who wants to create a book that is tailor-made for their needs, but needs a little help getting started.

Click here to check if you are eligible