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Get Better With Verbakeljollie

No matter how easy you think it is, each scene requires multiple hands to paint and design. The Dona course will help you every step of the way to becoming a graphic designer.

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Learn about sales, taffic and purchasing powers.


Master AI with a free Ebook


Learn how to make and implement funnels


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When is a book worth more than one million?

Over the past few years I have been on a treasure hunt…

I have bought over 10,000 books…

 But it all started because of this ONE book (that cost $1.0 million dollars!)

I know what you’re thinking…

Can ONE BOOK really be worth $1.0M dollars… ?

 It might be ....When all key points have been incorporated into a book

Let's Talk about Business
Let's Talk about Business

Let's Talk about Business


Explore fundamental design principles covering composition, balance, contrast and hierarchy

Explore key design elements such as lines, shapes, forms and textures

Experience what graphic designers do in the real world and get the training you need to master new skills.

About VerbakelJollie Team

At VerbakeljJollie, learning is interactive and collaborative, and peer networking and knowledge sharing are integral to the experience. Our curriculum is developed and taught by top nonprofit and business leaders, content experts and educators who share real-world experience and subject expertise.

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The more volume, the more visibility. Increased visibility leads to greater credibility, as repetition reinforces belief.


expecting anything in return. The more frequently you share valuable content without asking for anything, the greater the likelihood that when you do make a request, it will be met with success.


At our end, we handle the content creation, allowing you to focus entirely on scaling up. We recognize that volume is key to your success, and the more volume you drive, the greater the returns.

Our team is dedicated to producing high-quality, conversion-focused content aligned with your objectives.

By taking this responsibility off your plate, we provide you the freedom to concentrate on what truly matters: expanding your reach, boosting conversions, and maximizing your earnings.Our aim is not just to support your efforts but to build a lasting and profitable partnership. So, sit back, relax, and let us deliver the content that will elevate your volume and, ultimately, your profits.

Your proceeds per sold good is 45%, reasonable right?

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Feedback From Our Students

''This book gives very deep ideas to entrepreneurs and business starters in a very clear and step-by-step manner. It is worth more than a million dollars to read.'

Patrick D

“Princeples where great. One in a period of time you’ll find a gold nugget and this is one.”


“ I came to Donna for the curation and quality of teaching. Membership is really worth it to me. “

Katrina Ashley

“ I understand that even if the work isn't perfect, it's still a work in progress. I think it's a safe space. “

Freddy Lopez

Blog Posts

Unearthing the 5 Lost Principles of True Education
Business through Innovation
Unlocking the Secrets of Robert Noyce’s Success
AI and You

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