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AI-Powered: The New Frontier

Don't worry we aren't trying to upsell you like every other guru. 

We undertook this task for our own benefit, so why not extend the sharing to you, especially when it requires no additional effort on our part?

Free E-Book

Friday, August 25th 

What Will We Cover?

In our online course, you will learn a few things that you can use to achieve success with AI.

Introduction to AI in Ecommerce

Leveraging AI for Personalization

AI-Driven Customer Support

Predictive Analytics for Sales

Visual Search and Image Recognition

AI and Fraud Detection

Voice Commerce with AI

AI-Enhanced Pricing Strategies

Ethical Considerations 

Navigating the finance Landscape

Who Is The Author?

Prepare to be inspired by the knowledge and expertise of our distinguished webinar speaker.

Mathijs Verbakel

Co-founder of ISOFONE

Meet me Mathijs Verbakel, a co-founder of ISOFONE, investor and Student. With proven and tested methodes for leveraging AI, I''ll share real-life case studies and practical insights on AI and how to use this digital revolution.

Who Is This Webinar For?

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Ambitious founders eager to harness AI for pricing, customer experiences, and sales growth.

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Marketing & Sales Pros

Strategists exploring AI's potential to enhance targeting and personalize campaigns.

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AI Enthusiasts

Passionate about AI's impact on the world.

Secure Your E-book Before We Fill Up!

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