Unlock The Secret

Unlock The Secret
Unlock The Secret


3+ years experience



4+ years experience



2+ years experience


Content Creators

2+ years of experience


After connecting with countless aspiring entrepreneurs through various ventures, I've come to understand the crucial need for fundamental information when starting and running a successful business.

To assist you on your entrepreneurial journey, I've assembled a set of free digital courses and resources. My hope is that you not only find value in them but also use these materials to your advantage. I trust you'll enjoy and glean insights that contribute to your success.

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''We wish you best of luck on your entrepreneurial endeavors!''

- Verbakel and Jollie

Funnel Templates

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How to use Funnels the right way

1. Awareness: Objective: Introduce product/service.S trategies: Content marketing, social media ads, SEO.

2. Interest:Objective: Capture attention. Strategies: Lead magnets, email marketing, events.

3. Consideration:Objective: Convince of product/service value. Strategies: Case studies, product demos, comparison content.

4. Intent:Objective: Encourage specific actions.Strategies: Limited-time offers, free trials, remarketing.

5. Purchase:Objective: Convert leads into customers.Strategies: Simplified checkout, customer support, post-purchase engagement..

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What our customers say

My facial cleanser from another brand no longer charges. After researching possible "fixes", I finally had to accept that it was dead. I searched the internet for possible replacement ideas and found Togepi Brush highly recommended. It doesn't disappoint in the slightest! I willl continue to use Togepi Brush for many years to come!

Pedro Weston


I can't believe it's taken me this long to discover the wonders of using a face brush in my skincare routine. I had always heard that using a facial brush was good for skin, but I thought it was just another fad. One day I decided to try a face brush out, and decided on the Togepi brush. It has really helped with the dry skin on my legs, elbows and feet.

Sacha Mcmillan


I watched a lot of Togepi Brush user videos and thought it was worth a try. I've been using it for over 6 months and my skin has definitely improved. My complexion is clearer and my skin tone is much more even. Many people have noticed changes in my skin. It's not 100% perfect, but it's a huge improvement thanks to the Togepi Brush.

Marcie Knowles

New York

I watched a lot of Togepi Brush user videos and thought it was worth a try. I've been using it for over 6 months and my skin has definitely improved. My complexion is clearer and my skin tone is much more even. Many people have noticed changes in my skin. It's not 100% perfect, but it's a huge improvement thanks to the Togepi Brush.

Pedro Weston


I watched a lot of Togepi Brush user videos and thought it was worth a try. I've been using it for over 6 months and my skin has definitely improved. My complexion is clearer and my skin tone is much more even. Many people have noticed changes in my skin. It's not 100% perfect, but it's a huge improvement thanks to the Togepi Brush.

Pedro Weston



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Follow @verbakeljollie to see how others win in business with us

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Frequently asked questions

The Togepi Facial Cleansing Brush is the perfect starter brush for all skin types

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